Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday (!)

My best friend has pronounced Tuesdays "Posi Tuesday," an opportunity to block out the bad and celebrate the good. Its a swell idea and it leads to a lot of fun, entertaining Facebook posting.

I, however, need to get some shiz off my chest this Tuesday. I've been trying to keep it posi (positive) for awhile and I need a small break. Please forgive me.

Mostly, I just want to get away. Away from computers, emails and Facebook events. Away from resizing photos to fit websites better. I want to re enter the world of real conversations and quiet time. I'm over the city. Over the sounds of my quarreling neighbors, stomping above and below, and the mysterious midnight train whistles that keep me up late.

I'm also sick of cancer, and injuries and "America's posture of endless war." Especially the war that's sent my little brother to get shot at by Pakistani paramilitary fighters in Afghanistan. I'm sick of seeing everyone so sad. I'm sick of John Boehner and our president saying the same things over and over, with tired eyes and undoubtedly tired hearts. Come on America, we can do better.

If you can't reach me on Monday, hopefully it'll be because I've jumped ship and hopped in the Cadillac for a journey to the promised land. Ideally that'll include a dog, a tree house and lots of singing and dancing.

1 comment:

  1. Aw. woman. Add in bonfires and little kids running around and I'll join you. I hope Thursday brings some better feelings.
