Friday, May 13, 2011

Life After Alcohol?

I've been sober for almost two weeks! While it feels weird to hang out with drunk people, or say "no" to a free glass of wine, I think it's going to be okay. I think I can be a straight edge kid without being obnoxious, and I'm trying to focus on the positive. For example, I feel like I've already lost weight. That's probably not possible but it's what I'm going to keep telling myself.

Two things have influenced the switch to sobriety: 1) new medication and 2) a more serious realization that I am the best person to heal me. Seven years of seeing doctors hasn't gotten me very far so it's time for me to get real with myself and make change happen.

Some people have successfully reversed the symptoms of fibromyalgia through diet, exercise and reducing stress, and I would like to be one of those people. I got a book on the matter and have learned a lot about what I need to change and give up. I feel like God is really testing me on this one:

"So, Noelle, I'm sorry that I took away your bicycle and your favorite sweatshirt, but it's for the best. Materialism is for suckers anyways. And if you're serious about this whole healing yourself thing, you have to give up cheese, beer and coffee."
"Really God? Can I at least get hammered one last time because my bike got stolen?
"Not unless you want to puke your brains out."
"Fair point"
"How about a last supper of Eggplant Parm?"
"Not if you want to get better and stop being in pain all the time."
"You're right. Way to be wise and stuff. So if I do everything that you recommend, can I also join a convent and grow vegetables with nuns?"
"Hahaha...You wish! Now scram and get yourself a vegan cookbook."

Giving up cheese is going to suck. Giving up caffeine is going to be ugly. The promise of a mug of pure black joy is sometimes the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. Hopefully I can develop the same taste for Rooibos, my herbal tea of choice. I'm going to have to. I suppose it could be worse. At least I'll still have sex and Rock 'N Roll.

A group from the D.C. area called Laughing Colors wrote an awesome song called "War On Drugs." It has many choice lines ("I'd rather smoke crack out of Nancy Reagan's skull, while getting a blowjob from Tipper Gore") but the chorus is my favorite:
"What ever happened to sex, drugs and Rock 'N Roll? Now we just have AIDS, crack and techno."
Now I just have tea, flax and Afro-Flow.

Speaking of which, our Afro-Flow Yoga Guru Leslie Salmon Jones joined us at the recent Macrotones/Budos show. I've never felt so cool.

We wish we could move like her!

Listen to a clip from "War On Drugs" by the Laughing Colors, circa 1999.

Happy weekend!

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