Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, the new best day of the week?

Today, April 7th, 2011, was a pretty rad day. I'm hoping it will get even better and someone will agree to go to live band rock 'n roll karaoke with me.

At the Middle East Initiative today we hosted former constitutional lawyer and Contributing Writer Glenn Greenwald. That guy is a truth telling badass. The title of his talk was "Undermining Our Own Security" and he spoke to the United States' "posture of continuous war" and the effect that has had on our foreign policy. It was all stuff I had heard before but he framed it so brilliantly. The crowd was super into him and the poor guy got mobbed by students and community members alike outside the auditorium. It will take me some time to pull the best quotes out of his talk, but I'll come back and do that.

This afternoon, after 8 weeks of walking around in agony, I was finally able to see a podiatrist. Good guy. He stuffed some more crap on my insoles and said I should be all set in a few weeks. I sure hope he's right. That G-D fourth meta tarsal is ruining my quality of life. As my Kentucky-born second Mom would say, foot pain is the bucket. The worst. Shit-tay-tay. I need to start riding my bike or I'll be committing mass genocide on the T.

Tonight I'll be wearing my radical hippie kid hat at the Boston Skillshare facilitator dinner. The Boston Skillshare is annual two day event where Boston's coolest and weirdest come out of the woodwork to share their unique talents. The whole thing is free. This year's schedule features sessions on stick and poke homemade tattoos, roadkill art, and make-your-own sex toys. I'll be teaching a slightly more conservative workshop on gardening with limited resources. If you have any good tips on recycling materials for gardening or container gardening, do let me know!

Lastly, today was the day that the last of the restaurants in Harvard Square put out their outdoor seating. The sidewalk scene has been growing in recent weeks and today even the sleepiest places busted out the chairs. It makes me want to put on my best skirt, FMPs, and drink fancy cocktails with the best of the rich bitches, particularly if I can also wear massive sunglasses.

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