Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Love Letter To Jeff Mangum

Dear Jeff Mangum,

Congratulations on the All Tomorrow's Parties gig. I was very happy to see that you're touring again. Selfishly, I'm excited by the chance to see you and I hope to score tickets tomorrow to your September show at Harvard. Less selfishly, I hope this means you are well and life has been better to you lately.

As I know is true for many others, your music means a lot to me. It got me through a particularly hard summer in New York, helped me bond with someone who is now a great friend, and has helped me run faster. If/when I go to the gym on Fridays, I like to start my workout with In The Aeroplane Over The Sea. Just the first few chords of "King of Carrot Flowers, Part 1" make me feel free, like it is finally the weekend and I can forget about all the bullshit of the work week.

I'm not sure why songs about semen, Jesus, and fetuses have added so much value to my life but they truly have. Thank you for making my life more fun and more meaningful.

Best of luck in your upcoming shows.

Noelle Janka
Jamaica Plain, MA


  1. ....and he's playing at Sanders Theatre of all places??!?!? Ohmygodohmygodohmygod

  2. I still need someone to come with me, FYI.
