Monday, May 25, 2009

money in the bank

So I read this article on money and then I found this and signed up for this. You can set up budgets for yourself and it texts you when you're about to go over budget. Brilliant! I can't believe this isn't as popular as It oughta be.

My question, and something I want to look into further, is how did Ramit Sethi get to be so smart? His blog posts are awesome, i.e. How to get 150,000 people to read your blog in one week, or Travel full-time for less than $14,000 a year (that's just $2,000 less than I made after taxes last year but still, if I ever have money, I'd like to know how best to make it work for me)

And this guy Tim Ferriss doesn't seem too dumb either. The fact that these guys are out to help people make money, even if their advice ups their income, is suspicious but pretty great. It gives me more hope for my generation.

One of the blog links above roleplays how to get out of overdraft fees with a bank rep over the phone. Who knew people in the money-making world did roleplays? (We do them at work all the time.)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I haven't seen the roleplay thing but even thinking about it makes me laugh.

    "Hi, this is XXX from Bank of America. We're the nations oldest and largest asshole banking corporation."
