Thursday, April 8, 2010

Treatment Day 3

I'm currently in New York for phase 1 of my Lyme Disease treatment. Each day I get hooked up to an IV for about an hour. While im sitiing there, the hilarious nurse Lisa draws a bunch of blood, run it through some UV or UVB rays (I'm unclear on this) then pumps it back into me. This is supposed to stimulate the white bloods cells so they can better fight infection, aka the bad guys. After that fun stuff, I get 20 shots in different parts of my back and abdomen, including shots in my appendix scar. Those are my least favorite. To top it off, I have a hefty collection of homeopathics to take at least twice a day. Here they are, separated into bags according to when I'm supposed to take them.

Today I got a break from the needles and spent the morning reading The Best Food Writing of 2009 on Rockaway Beach.

I'd been told Rockaway was one of the better beaches but I found it pretty trashy. Literally, there was trash all over the beach. Fewer cigarettes than Coney Island but more of everything else. On the upside, there were few people around and I spent a long time observing the activities of giant sea gulls and pretty red-beaked birds.


  1. I can't tell what is a better band name: "Hilarious Nurse" or "Shots in My Appendix Scar"

  2. ohmygosh

    hope the treatment is effective, crossing my fingers!
