Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Farm life is good life. I've been at Allandale, Boston's last working farm, for three weeks now, working as a greenhouse/livestock assistant. I especially like working with the chickens. They're constantly making me laugh and i get to hunt for their eggs twice a day. The lambs are cute but not nearly as much fun.

Here are a few of the 200 or so egg-laying ladies:

This is my favorite of the three farm trucks.

Last Saturday we set up a booth at Powissett Farm in Dover to sell earrings and baked goods. Highlights included selling out of bread and spotting a woman licking whoopie pie icing off Saran wrap. Yes, they were that good.

I think Emily and I should start a baked goods co-op in JP. Like a CSA (community supported agriculture), households could sign up to get a box of bread and treats each week. It could be the first CSB, B being for bakery. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.


  1. There's a community-supported pie (CSP?) program in Durham, NC that I always wanted to try: http://www.piefantasy.com/. I think your CSB would be very popular.

  2. Please send freshly baked goods to hungry expats in Thailand. We'll pay any price for sourdough, olive, thyme, or rosemary loaves.

  3. This'll be my second post- sorry if this turns out redundant:

    Please send any and all freshly baked goods to certain members of the ex-pat community in Thailand. Any price will be paid for the following varieties of bread: sourdough, olive, rosemary, thyme, and focaccia.
